Books & Papers
Communicating with vulnerable patients
A Novel Psychological Approach
Communicating with Vulnerable Patients explores ways to improve the communication process between highly vulnerable patients and the therapist, based on the assumption of the permanent presence of an ‘outsider’ or potential space in the communication field between them. In this space, the therapist and highly vulnerable patients can undergo transitional states of mind established between and within their relationship.

Topics in this book
  • On Building Communication
    Handling, mastering and integrating personal and factual reality. Explaining the TICA –Transient Interactive Communication Approach.
  • TICA in Forensic Settings
    TICA in withdrawal therapy and in pre-trial detention.
  • TICA in Intercultural Settings
    TICA in short-term therapy with traumatized refugees and in multicultural team supervision.
  • TICA Adaptations (Variations)
    T-WAS- Together We Are Strong
    TICA and T-WAS in the COVID-19 pandemic
Psychosoziale Gruppenarbeit mit benachteiligten Kindern (German Version)
Paarleitung und kreatives Spiel
‘Together We Are Strong’ or T-WAS is a preventive group work with deprived children against the increase of antisocial behavioural tendencies and focused on strengthening resilience. Its means are primarily based on the development of object relations (ego-relatedness) by providing the children with new experiences of self in relation to others during the ongoing creative games – hence the roles of the group leaders are crucial.

Psychosocial Group Work with Vulnerable Children (English Version)
Eclectic Group Conductors and Creative Play  presents a simple, accessible, and preventative approach to psychotherapeutic interventions - a form of group work that can strengthen resilience and prevent an increase in antisocial behavioural tendencies among children. Castrechini-Franieck and Bittner add therapeutic elements from Gestalt therapy and ontological psychoanalysis to group analytic work. This approach helps children to achieve a stable state of emotional well-being while improving their behaviour at school, along with their social skills.

Topics in this book
  • Conceptual source of inspiration
    The interplay between antisocial tendencies and aggression
    The intersection of Gestalt therapy and ontological psychoanalysis
    Running children’s groups in partnership: what does this mean?
  • Together We Are Strong (T-WAS)
    The challenges behind the scenes
    Eclectic group conductors
    Creative play
    Reflections on T-WAS
On Latency
Individual Development, Narcissistic Impulse Reminiscence and Cultural Ideal
Latency is a developmental period that plays a transitional role, like "a bridge", between early childhood and adolescence (the beginning of early adulthood). However, the latency period is a subject that has not been studied enough in psychoanalysis in recent years.
Most of the psychoanalytic frameworks that have built on and extended Freud's work have focussed their attention either on the understanding of the child's early development (the early dyadic and triadic relationship of the infant and the early organization of the mind), or on the understanding of adolescent development, when sexuality explodes - accompanied by all unconscious libidinal elements from the early organization which were repressed in latency. As a result, interest in the latency period has been put in the shade: left dormant as its definition would imply. The aim of this book is to raise a number of relevant questions, which have not received much attention in psychoanalysis up to now. To this end empirical findings are related to conceptual elaboration in order to advance knowledge.
Topics in this book
  • Latency
    On social identity and on culture
  • Central concepts for understanding the latency period
    Oedipus Complex, identification, Narcissism, Ego ideal and superego
  • On group psychology and on culture
    Cultural ideal, ego ideal, narcissim, superego, therapeutic work
  • Research
    Description, results, cultural transmission
Other publications

  • Castrechini-Franieck, M.L., and Günter, M., 2014. Die Transmission kultureller Ideale in der Latenz. Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Befunde aus einer Untersuchung in zwei verschiedenen Kulturen. In: M. Endres, C. Salamander, and D. Bürgin, eds. Latenz: Entwicklung und Behandlung. Frankfurt a.M.: Brandes & Apsel.

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